The Story Behind the Song
After the darkness I went through
a thousand abysses
I’m not afraid to die anymore
It’s scarier not to live
I write this album in my most painful moments,
both physical and mental.
It was written in the forest,
on early morning walks with the dog,
on taxi rides on the way to treatments
at night in bed after surgeries.
In moments when I manage to escape from the rest.
For the first time in my life, I write because I have to write.
To calm something deep inside.
To speak.
I write this album the way I always wanted to write.
Burning, bubbling, full of details,
full of emotion.
I write like a child going wild with a box of paints.
Without planning,
without considering the lines,
without fear of the outcome.
Living moment by moment.
Day by day.
Thanks you for liseining’
Amedi ♥